A message from our Managing Director, Darren Alexander:
On behalf of the ACE family, I would like to share how saddened, hurt and angered we are by the institutional racial oppression that continues to breed in the world. The brutality that has taken place recently, and historically, adversely affects us all as members of the human race and needs to be addressed for the betterment of humanity.
I believe I speak for the young people and communities we serve when I recite the words: injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere, and we will not sit back and allow the evils of this world to out-shadow the right for each and every one of us to live safe, purposeful and happy lives.
From adversity comes opportunity, and together we will prevail.
Everyone has so much potential it’s just about what you’re doing with it”.
Volunteer Trevon Layne started his journey with ACE when he was just 14 years old. Returning early last year, he now has an infant son, an apprenticeship under his belt and is releasing new music regularly thanks to the ACE Docklands studio. Trevon spoke about his passion for music and why he decided to return to ACE as a volunteer.
He said: “I’ve always been into music, but back then it [ACE] was just about socialising and what not. And then, it’s quite funny actually, about 2 years ago I started recording at a studio in Bristol, but, it just wasn’t… The quality wasn’t there; the people were just in it for money. Well that’s what I felt like anyway. Me and my missus were having a chat about it and she was like ‘go Docklands, go Docklands’, so I finally got the courage to come down. And yeah, I guess it’s been history since then, I always come, I just love it.”
Initially, Trevon returned to the Docklands studios to record his new music in a place he trusted, as well as developing his production skills. But soon, MD Darren Alexander encouraged him to get more involved and become a permanent part of the ACE team. “I had been coming here, Since around September last year, making music and sort of hanging out. After that, as I was coming more and more, I started learning how to do more production work and also how to record myself fully, more tricks and what not. And then from there I started recording for other people too. It’s just nice to see that what you’re doing is helping others, and gets appreciated.”
Speaking from his own experience, Trevon explained why he was so keen to use his music skills and get involved with ACE’s More Than Music project: “I was interested because you know young black boys basically are in such a terrible state mentally. In the sense that there is a lot of criminal activity, and a-lot of the time that whole behaviour is pushed to them. For me, I’m someone that grew up around that and I was around all the people that are in jail now and for me, I never saw that as something I wanted. I never wanted to go to jail. You know what I mean? I’m not saying that anyone wants to go to jail but I never saw myself into any of that sort of stuff even though I was around it. I guess the main reason why I started at ACE was just to help, not just the young black boys but the young kids in general. I just want to teach them what I know about music, tell them and show them that they can make something of their lives.”
In the short time Trevon has been volunteering, he’s developed a real connection with the young people coming to ACE on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. He said: “A lot of them are so polite, you wouldn’t think it because of the area but they’re well mannered and lovely kids. They’re smart as well. A lot of them are so intelligent, a lot more intelligent than they let on or than they think as well.”
Trevon is passionate not only about helping disadvantaged young people, but also about music and how it helped him. “Everyone has so much potential. It’s just about what you’re doing with it. I see so many people on a regular basis, and I was in their position a couple of years ago, didn’t really have a job, and didn’t really have friends. When I say friends they weren’t really friends, they were just people I used to hang around with in the wrong circles. One day I just said to myself ‘I’ve just had enough’ and I made that choice. As well, I was getting a bit of a kick up my arse from my mum. I sat down and thought ‘What is it that I actually want to do?’ I realised how much I love music and I love working with my hands so plumbing and music just comes hand in hand.”
When balancing work, home, and music, Trevon keeps music at the forefront. “I love it! Music is like my number one hobby. In the past 6 months, I’ve actually put out like 4 tracks professionally. I’m not really in it for the money kind of thing, it’s just a hobby that I really like. If I was to make money then I wouldn’t be complaining you know? It’s just something that I love to do really.”
“In terms of my overall professional goal, I think long term I’ve always wanted to have my own business, whether that’s in music or construction. Ideally, I’d love to have my own construction firm. Just doing all jobs and then get younger kids doing apprenticeships, teach them the skills so they can come into the company or start their own company. That would be my ideal end goal.”
A huge thanks to Trevon for sharing his experience with us.