WHAT AN AMAZING WEEKEND!!! 🔥 Thank you to everyone who came to support our incredible young people perform on the #UnityStage at #StPaulsCarnivalSt Pauls Carnival! We had a seriously wicked time and we are so happy to be able to share some pictures with you too!
If you haven’t heard already… ACE won a St Pauls Carnival Pride award last night at the PCC Awards for our work over the summer!
Darren Alexander collecting the award for ACE
It was a team effort, so first and foremost we’d like to thank everyone who got involved and stuck it out through the record-beating, melting hot weather! We’d like to give an especially big thank you to all the young people who came and performed and supported us, without you none of this would have happened. It was really inspiring to see your hard work and dedication and we’re so pleased it has paid off.
The PCC Awards were at City Hall to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of St Pauls Carnival. It was held by Mayor Marvin Rees, the first elected black mayor in Europe! Bristol born-and-bred, he said: “St Pauls Carnival is a rightful path of passage for kids growing up in Bristol,” and we couldn’t agree more.
This year was a celebration like no other. Managing Director Darren Alexander, who collected the award, said: “Contributing to such an historical and cultural event was an amazing experience for our organisation. We were able to show the true value of the work we do with young people through this amazing project, which has created a legacy for our Carnival and our City.”
As well, we were so proud to record and produce the ACE Anthem of the Carnival called Colours of the City with our amazing young people. It was even played at the beginning of the awards which was awesome, and you can watch it here:
Thanks again to everyone who came, who danced and who supported us. We’re onto big things, we can’t wait to share it all with you.
Visit our Twitter and Instagram to see our live updates from the night too!